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When i was growing up, going to Madrassa was an integral part of my life, as it was for most of the kids in my community. We were taught to read the letters first and then worked our way through the Qaidah, Juz Amma and then the entire Mus’haf. After that, i went on to complete my Hifdh (that journey is for another day)

Years later, when i moved to Abu Dhabi and met a teacher to review my Hifdh, the first thing she highlighted was my Tajweed.

Tajweed, literally translates “to make better”. The “science of Tajweed” in essence is to make the reciter proficient in reciting the Qur'an, observing the correct pronunciation of every letter with the rulings and characteristics which apply to each letter, without any exaggeration or deficiency.

This was to be the start of a beautiful journey, studying Tajweed - a concelt i knew so little about. I grew to learn how it was a fundamental key to Qur’an recitation. I’ve found that through working on this, it has made me feel more closer to Our Lord and Creator. There is so much relief your heart feels when you strengthen your connection with Allah and become a habit it part of my daily routine to revise but, with accurate tajweed.

This has now become key to my coaching. I will not coach Hifdh to somebody who has not understood and can apply Tajweed effectively because I feel like I would be doing them injustice.
