So, Hayaatuna?

For anyone that knows me personally, you will know that my life has been anything but an easy ride. From growing up in a South Asian community in the Western world, to being a mother of 4 daughters in an expat world, there has been many times where its been confusing & I wished I had some support from like minded individuals or those who were experiencing what I was feeling.

Many times, people have asked me to share my experiences & thoughts on particular subjects including my daughters’ Hifdh journeys and also about our Islamic lifestyle in general.

Hence the birth of Hayaatuna - Our Life. A platform where we, as a family, share our experiences and our attempt at Islamic living. We will also share resources that have, and currently are helping us. إن شاء الله in time much more!

So جَزَاكَ ٱللَّٰهُ خَيْرًا‎ for joining our little corner on the internet. Welcome!

Our Story …

8 years ago, we packed our bags and left London with 4 young girls to move to Abu Dhabi. We had no idea how long we’d be out here or what the future held, but we are still here 9 years later. It’s been a roller coaster ride filled with trials and adventures but, we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Living in an expat community, away from family, has not been easy. We’ve had to figure out how to ensure the girls still get a good balanced Islamic upbringing, which has been a huge learning curve and I hope to share that with you here!

As a family, we are great foodies and LOVE travelling, so we’ll be sharing those stories too… Essentially, we’ll be sharing everything and anything family - related.

We hope you find our tips, advice and stories enjoyable and useful.