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Time management

Most of us have goals that we want to achieve but for some reason we just can’t quite get there. This is no different when it comes to parenting and family life.

Sometimes it’s such a struggle to manage everything. Balancing responsibilities and commitments seems like a full time job and it’s difficult to find time for the things we enjoy. But we don’t have to run around like headless chickens! This will only make us mentally and physically tired and unfulfilled.

So with the girls we have implemented a “Have-to, Want-to” concept.

When they were younger, we helped them to identify the things they had to do and the things they wanted to and then assisted them in adding these into their day. Now, they can do this themselves and this helps them to compartmentalise their lives.

What things are a must, are compulsory and non - negotiable? And what are the tasks that you would like to do but are not necessarily essential?

You see, we all have the same 24 hours and by looking at your 24 hours carefully, you too can allocate time for your “Have-to’s” and your “Want-to’s”. Over time, you will feel more at ease and less stress piling on because you have got a system to manage the workload.

Click on the link to find our template which you can print off and complete.

Hope it helps!
